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New Mentoring Skills and Knowledge Training Available to STEM Ambassadors

STEM Ambassadors Scotland Hub alongside the Scottish Mentoring Network has created a brand-new free training opportunity for ambassadors to develop their mentoring skills and knowledge.

This 3 part course will help ambassadors develop and strengthen their mentoring skills allowing you to successfully mentor students throughout their learning journey. This course is suitable for any ambassadors that want to gain an understanding of mentoring and the skills that it requires. If you have done mentoring in the past and want to gain more knowledge or if mentoring is a new skill that interests you, then this course will give you those essential qualities to become a successful mentor both in your capacity as a STEM Ambassador, and in your wider workplace.

The training is delivered in three parts:

Part 1: Online e-learning module covering eight learning outcomes.

This can be completed at your own pace but should be completed before part 2.

Approx. 2-3 hours

Part 2: Live online Mentoring Skills session.

This session will allow you to explore the skills used by a mentor during a mentoring match. These will include listening, questioning and feedback skills. You will also spend some time looking at Goal setting and how to use different mentoring models.

14 September, 16.30 – 17.30, Zoom

Part 3: Live online Mentoring Conversation session.

This session will allow you to explore the skills used by a mentor during a mentoring match. You will look at what a mentoring conversation is, how to prepare for one. You will consider what structure a mentoring conversation will have and what you should do after the conversation. During this session you will have a chance to practice having a mentoring conversation.

28 September, 16.30 – 18.00, Zoom

On completion of the above training, you will have:

· Examined what mentoring is looking at, specific definitions and how mentoring differs from other forms of support.

· Recognised the advantages and limitations of mentoring for the mentor and the mentee.

· Developed your knowledge and understanding of the mentoring process and mentoring models.

· Examined the roles and responsibilities of the mentor.

· Examined and demonstrated key mentoring skills and qualities including active listening, insightful questioning, and other key communication skills.

· Considered the skills and qualities of a mentor considering empathy, establishing rapport, motivational skills.

· Considered issues of boundaries and confidentiality within the mentoring relationship.

If this course is of interest to you then please register using the following link: STEM Learning Digital Platform. We will then be in contact regarding the next steps and how to get started!

Please note: We can currently only offer space on this course for a max. of 20 Ambassadors. If additional ambassadors register interest then you will be added to a waitlist.


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