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STEM Ambassadors 20th Anniversary - Let's Celebrate!

Happy Birthday to us!

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the STEM Ambassador programme and we want to celebrate with our ambassadors.

It's rewarding – and humbling – to reflect on two decades of our volunteers giving up their time to use their enthusiasm and expertise to engage and inspire many thousands of young

people. Those volunteers include over 4,000 ambassadors in Scotland alone who gave up almost 10,000 hours of their time last year alone, that's a lot of volunteering over the last 20 years!

Then and Now!

We want to celebrate our ambassadors old and new and highlight the amazing work you have done over the years. We are asking you to join us in looking back at what you were doing 20 years ago. Whether you were still in school or well on the way to your current career or a totally different one we want to hear from you. You don't have to have been an ambassador back then or even last year we still want to hear from you.

Sign in and get involved here - Then and Now

Share your story

We are also looking for some of our longer standing ambassadors to share their stories of the changes they have seen during their time as an ambassador, if you have been with us for over 3 years let us know what you've learnt or the biggest change you have seen as an ambassador in that time, do we have anyone who has been with us all 20 years?

Let's Get Together and Celebrate

Throughout November we will be going on a STEM Ambassador in Scotland tour to try and meet as many of our ambassadors as possible.

We are running networking and resource training sessions across the country so find your nearest one and come along and join us, who knows there may even be cake

Glasgow, date tbc (email to register interest)


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